Privacy Policy

We run our websites according to the following principles:

We are committed to complying with legal data protection regulations and strive to always take into account the principles of data avoidance and data minimization.

1. Name and address of the person responseible

The person responsible within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the member states of the European Union as well as other data protection regulations is:

Responsible according to § 5 DDG:

KTU Spedition GmbH & Co. KG
Industriestr. 4
97353 Wiesentheid

Telefon: +49 (9383) 9023-0
Telefax: +49 (9383) 9023-19

2. Explanations of terms

We have designed our data protection declaration according to the principles of clarity and transparency. If there are any uncertainties regarding the use of different terms, the corresponding definitions can be viewed here.


3. Legal basis for processing personal data

Legal basis for processing personal data We process your personal data such as your first and last name, your email address and IP address, etc. only if there is a legal basis for this. According to the General Data Protection Regulation, the following regulations in particular come into consideration here hre:

  • Art. 6 p. 1 S. 1 lit. a DSGVO: Die betroffene Person hat ihre Einwilligung zu der Verarbeitung der sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten für einen oder mehrere bestimmte Zwecke gegeben.
  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. b DSGVO: Die Verarbeitung ist für die Erfüllung eines Vertrags, dessen Vertragspartei die betroffene Person ist, oder zur Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen erforderlich, die auf Anfrage der betroffenen Person erfolgen.
  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. c DSGVO: Die Verarbeitung ist zur Erfüllung einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung erforderlich, der der Verantwortliche unterliegt
  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. d DSGVO: Die Verarbeitung ist erforderlich, um lebenswichtige Interessen der betroffenen Person oder einer anderen natürlichen Person zu schützen
  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. e DSGVO: die Verarbeitung ist für die Wahrnehmung einer Aufgabe erforderlich, die im öffentlichen Interesse liegt oder in Ausübung öffentlicher Gewalt erfolgt, die dem Verantwortlichen übertragen wurde
  • Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO: die Verarbeitung ist zur Wahrung der berechtigten Interessen des Verantwortlichen oder eines Dritten erforderlich, sofern nicht die Interessen oder Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten der betroffenen Person, die den Schutz personenbezogener Daten erfordern, überwiegen, insbesondere dann, wenn es sich bei der betroffenen Person um ein Kind handelt

Wir weisen Sie aber an den jeweiligen Stellen dieser Datenschutzerklärung immer noch einmal darauf hin, auf welcher Rechtsgrundlage die Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten erfolgt.

4. Disclosure of personal data

The passing on of personal data also involves processing within the meaning of the previous section 3. However, we would like to inform you separately at this point about the topic of passing it on to third parties. The protection of your personal data is very important to us. For this reason, we are particularly careful when it comes to passing on your data to third parties.

Data will therefore only be passed on to third parties if there is a legal basis for the processing. For example, we pass on personal data to people or companies who work for us as processors in accordance with art. 28 DSGVO. A processor is anyone who processes personal data on our behalf - i.e. in particular in an instruction and control relationship with us.

In accordance with the requirements of the DSGVO, we conclude a contract with each of our processors in order to oblige them to comply with data protection regulations and thus guarantee your data comprehensive protection.

5. Storage period and deletion

We will delete your personal data to the extent that it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, and the processing is not carried out to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, or to fulfill a legal obligation reasons of public interest or to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

6. SSL encryption

This website uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content, such as the inquiries you send to us as the website operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the browser's address line changing from "http://" to "https://" and by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL encryption is activated, the data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.

7. Collection and storage of personal data as well as their type and purpose of use

When you access our website, the browser used on your device automatically sends information to our website server. This information is temporarily stored in a so-called log file. The following information is recorded without your intervention and stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the retrieved file
  • Website from which access is made (referrer URL)
  • browser used and, if applicable, the operating system of your computer as well as the name of your access provider

The data mentioned will be processed by us for the following purposes:

  • Ensuring a smooth connection to the website
  • Ensuring comfortable use of our website
  • Evaluation of system security and stability
  • Error analysis
  • for further administrative purposes

Data that allows us to identify you personally, such as your IP address, will be deleted after 7 days at the latest. If we store the data beyond this period, this data will be pseudonymized so that it can no longer be assigned to you.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 p. 1 s. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Our legitimate interest follows from the data collection purposes listed above. Under no circumstances do we use the data collected for the purpose of drawing conclusions about you personally.

8. Cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small data packages that your browser automatically creates and that are stored on your device when you visit our website. These cookies are used to store information related to the device used. However, it is not possible to personally identify you through cookies.

The data processed by cookies is necessary for the purposes mentioned to protect our legitimate interests and those of third parties in accordance with art. 6 p. 1 s. 1 lit. f DSGVO.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies based on their browser defaults. However, you can configure your browser so that either no cookies are stored on your device at all or at least a message is displayed before a new cookie is stored. If you completely deactivate the cookie function in your browser, you may not be able to use all of the functions of our website.

Below we explain the different types of cookies we use.

  1. Session cookies

    In order to make your use of our offering more pleasant, we use so-called session cookies to recognize that you have already visited individual pages on our website. These session cookies are automatically deleted after you leave our site.

  2. Temporary cookies

    We also use cookies that allow us to recognize you when you visit our website again and use our services. This means you don't have to repeat the entries and settings you made last time. These temporary cookies are stored on your device for a specified period of time.

  3. Cookies for optimization purposes

    Finally, we also use cookies for optimization purposes. These statistically record the use of our website and are evaluated for the purpose of optimizing the offer for you. The cookies enable your internet browser to be recognized when you visit our website again. These cookies are automatically deleted after a defined period of time.

9. Analysis and tracking tools

We use the analysis and tracking tools listed below on our website. These serve to ensure the ongoing optimization of our website and to design it in line with your needs.

These interests are to be viewed as legitimate within the meaning of art. 6 p. 1 s. 1 lit. f DSGVO. The respective data processing purposes and data categories can be found in the corresponding tools.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google (Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, hereinafter "Google") on our website.

Google Analytics uses cookies in this context (see section 8). The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website such as:

  • Name and version of the browser used
  • Operating system of your computer
  • Website from which access is made (referrer URL)
  • IP address of the requesting computer
  • Time of server request

are usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

However, since we have activated IP anonymization on our website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide us with other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other Google data.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly. However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of our website to their full extent.

You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading the browser plug-in available under the following link and install

You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting your data by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will be set to prevent your data from being collected on future visits to our website:

Google Analytics deaktivieren

10. Rights of the person concerned

You have the following rights:

  1. Information

    In accordance with art. 15 DSGVO, you have the right to request information about your personal data processed by us. This right to information includes information about

    • the processing purposes
    • the categories of personal data
    • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom your data has been or will be disclosed
    • the planned storage period or at least the criteria for determining the storage period
    • the existence of a right to correction, deletion, restriction of processing or objection
    • the existence of a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
    • the origin of your personal data if not collected by us
    • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling and, if necessary, meaningful information about its details
  2. Correction

    According to art. 16 DSGVO, you have the right to immediately correct any incorrect or incomplete personal data we have stored.

  3. deletion

    According to art. 17 DSGVO, you have the right to request that we delete your personal data immediately, unless further processing is necessary for one of the following reasons:

    • the personal data are still necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed
    • to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information
    • to fulfill a legal obligation which requires processing under the law of the European Union or the Member States to which the controller is subject, or to carry out a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the responsible unit.
    • for reasons of public interest in the area of ​​public health in accordance with art. 9 p. 2 lit. h and i as well as art. 9 p. 3 DSGVO
    • for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes in accordance with art 89 p. 1 DSGVO, insofar as the law mentioned under section a) is likely to make the achievement of the objectives of this processing impossible or seriously impair it
    • to assert, exercise or defend legal claims
  4. Restriction of processing

    In accordance with art. 18 DSGVO, you can request the restriction of the processing of your personal data for one of the following reasons:

    • You dispute the accuracy of your personal data.
    • The processing is unlawful and you refuse to have the personal data deleted.
    • We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of processing, but you need it to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.
    • You object to the processing in accordance with art. 21 p. 1 DSGVO.
  5. Information

    If you have requested the correction or deletion of your personal data or a restriction of processing in accordance with art. 16, art. 17 p. 1 and art. 18 DSGVO we will inform all recipients to whom your personal data has been disclosed because this turns out to be impossible or involves disproportionate effort. You can request that we inform you of these recipients.

  6. Transmission

    You have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to request that this data be transmitted to a third party, provided that the processing was carried out using automated procedures and is based on consent in accordance with art. 6 p. 1 s. 1 lit. a or art. 9 p 2 lit. a or based on a contract in accordance with art. 6 p. 1 s. 1 lit. b DSGVO.

  7. Revocation

    In accordance with art. 7 p. 3 DSGVO you have the right to revoke your consent to us at any time. The revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent before its revocation. In the future, we will no longer be allowed to continue data processing based on your revoked consent.

  8. Complaint

    According to art. 77 DSGVO, you have the right to complain to a supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR.

  9. Objection

    If your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter f of the GDPR, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 21 of the GDPR, provided there are reasons for doing so. which arise from your particular situation or the objection is directed against direct advertising. In the latter case, you have a general right to object, which we will implement without specifying the particular situation. If you would like to exercise your right of revocation or objection, simply send an email to

  10. Automated decision-making in individual cases including profiling

    You have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. This does not apply if the decision

    1. is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and us
    2. is permitted by the laws of the European Union or the Member States to which we are subject and such laws contain appropriate measures to safeguard your rights and freedoms and your legitimate interests
    3. with your express consent

    However, these decisions may not be based on special categories of personal data according to art. 9 p. 1 DSGVO, unless art. 9 Abs. 2 lit. a or g DSGVO applies and appropriate measures have been taken to protect your rights and freedoms as well as your legitimate interests . With regard to the cases mentioned in i) and iii), we take appropriate measures to protect your rights and freedoms as well as your legitimate interests, including at least the right to obtain human intervention on our part, to express one's own point of view and to contest the decision.

11. Changes to our privacy policy

If we change the data protection declaration, this will be indicated on the website.

as of July 1, 2024